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Realistic mouth (for oral sex)

Sex doll with Realistic mouth adapted for oral sex. New feature from Irontech Doll for head S34

Irontech Doll's new head S34 with realistic mouth. This is a brand new silicone head on the market, developed for oral sex. There is no doll yet that has this head so we don't have a name for it yet. Keep an eye out for an Irontech doll with this head coming soon.

Already today it is possible to order head S34 if desired. It is fine to change the head on your doll at no extra cost. It is also possible to order loose heads or add extra heads to an order for a doll.

Irontech Doll silicone real oral sex. Head S34

Irontech Doll silicone real oral sex. Head S34

Irontech Doll silicone real oral sex. Head S34

Irontech Doll silicone dolls at Dolllandet.se