Robot-skelett finns nu för Irontech Doll TPE-dockor! Irontech Dolls TPE-dockor har gått ned rejält i pris senaste året, passa på att köpa ditt ex innan priserna går upp igen
Vi är officiell distributör för Irontech Doll i Sverige. Vi kan erbjuda våra nordiska kunder alla sexdockor ur Irontech Doll's sortiment. Irontech Doll's sexdockor gjorda av materialen TPE och silikon, är av absolut högsta kvalitet och ser exakt ut som på bilderna!
Irontech Doll are pioneers in sexual and emotional experiences. For over 6 years have Irontech Doll Created dolls that inspire both sexual games and emotional satisfaction.Irontech Doll'S slogan is "Beauty Inspired Creation" and it is visible on their dolls, all of which are created with a passion of experienced sculptors and designers inspired by real people. Since all Irontech's dolls are created based on real beauty, every little detail in an appearance is important to include. Irontech Dolls always uses the best materials in their production and have world -class sex dolls both in silicone And TPE.Irontech Doll Of course, is not the only brand we sell that has super beautiful high quality dolls. So why choose a doll from just Irontech Doll? Apart from their own unique designs and constructions, sex dolls from Irontech Doll's upgraded EVO skeleton (including extra moving axles), upgraded breasts (gel or hollow), standing foot, all this is included at no extra cost of Docklandet. Irontech Doll Also have a variety of other opportunities for upgrades and options for us to be able to deliver a doll designed perfectly for you.
Something else that gets Irontech Doll Standing out is their solid arsenal of silicone dolls. Irontech Doll has in principle as many dolls of silicone As by TPE. And there are not a few dolls directly. Irontech Doll During all the years they have been active, they have been able to create lots of bodies and faces that they honed the design and style over time. We will add most of the Irontech Doll's dolls in our store, but a few we do not bring as we want to keep our range tight and there are already several good copies of some dolls, but of course it is good to order any doll from Irontech Doll from U.S.
Just like all other manufacturers of sex dolls so are Irontech Doll'S primary focus female dolls. But Irontech actually has a solid set of male sex dolls, for example Charles and Bill, which makes them really stand out among all the brands in the sex docke world. It is harder to get a masculine look on a doll than it is to get to a feminine, but Irontech Doll Has long been honed on their techniques, found suitable models and produced really stable male sex dolls. Although sex dolls are still purchased mainly by men, women are generally a much larger consumer of sex toys. Of course, we want to be able to offer male dolls to our female visitors! And of course, we also do not mind that you as a man acquire a male doll.