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Robot sex doll from Irontech Doll. Upgrade your TPE manikin to a robot-sex doll with these new features!

Robot sex doll

Irontech Doll continues visa that they are at the forefront of innovation in the amazing world of sex dolls. Their slogan "beauty inspired creation" is not just a slogan, but they say it is a process where they continue to strive to learn and research new techniques every day. 

They have now launched a number of robot-features where you get to choose from a variety of hot and exciting features for TPE dolls!

You might normally think of science, technology and service when you hear the word robot. They build our cars, clean our houses, and help us in all sorts of ways in our everyday lives. But is there a robot that can keep us company and satisfy our sexual needs? The answer is yes!

One robot-sex doll is essentially a lifelike sex doll with several features designed to recreate the feeling of warmth and authenticity.

The many technological changes in recent years have shown how quickly industries and, above all, the world can evolve. In 2022, sex dolls took center stage in the midst of a fascinating new era. Physical and emotional closeness is a must for people to feel good and relaxed. Irontech Doll It believes this is why it has continued to develop its services and products, often at the request of its customers. They want to keep pushing the boundaries to offer customers new and easier ways to interact with their dolls! 

We at Docklandet are incredibly proud to finally be able to visa this new product in our range from our partner Irontech doll!

Electronic hip and waist

When you turn on the power robot-the sex doll will wiggle its hips and waist just like a real person. With the wireless remote control, you can easily adjust the speed to suit your personal preferences. Explore your bodily secrets and desires together with your robot sex doll, she will not disappoint you.

Robot Sex Doll Instructions:

  1. When. robot-the sex doll is switched on, you can adjust the speed to your liking. The doll then moves by itself.
  2. The function Electronic hip and waist has three different speeds:
  • A-low speed,
  • B-medium speed and
  • C-Highest speed,
  • and D for stopping.

*Precautionary measures, pay attention to the following*

  1. When robot-the automatic body movement sex doll moves its waist When the automatic body movement robot sex doll moves with the waist, the hands are pressed on the hip joint to raise the legs to prevent the motor from turning the legs and being unable to lift the legs.
  2. Robot-The electric socket of the sex doll should be protected from water. We recommend covering the socket with waterproof material during maintenance and cleaning to avoid risk of damage.
  3. Pay attention during normal use. Do not allow robot-the sex doll sitting on top of you when you are lying down; this is to avoid injury to yourself as the doll is very heavy.
  4. After using the robot-sex doll, it is important to set it back to the D position with the remote control (Stop). Also disconnect the power supply to avoid accidentally turning it on.
  5. Before using the robot-the sex doll, it is important that you stabilize the doll; this is because the doll is very heavy and otherwise risks tipping over.


Automatic Pinch & Suck vagina

Can your sex doll give you incredibly intense sexual pleasure? Oh yes it can! The automatic pinch and suck vagina will definitely blow your mind. Heat, Vibration and Moaning functions are included.


Information for the Automatic Pinch & Suck Vagina:

  1. To turn the functions on and off, press and hold the button for 3 seconds
  2. You can plug in headphones with a 3.5 mm jack if you want to be more discreet and not use the built-in speaker.
  3. Should the box with the speaker become discharged, don't worry: it can easily be recharged with a micro-usb cable! Other functions work as normal.
  4. All functions are controlled by the button on the speaker box, and start simultaneously when you press it. All functions also turn off at the same time.
  5. The pinch and suction vaginal has three different power levels: when switched on, the lowest level is active. To activate the second and third levels, press the button twice and three times respectively. To return to the first level, press the button four times in succession.

*Precautionary measures, pay attention to the following*

  1. The loudspeaker box should be protected from water, be attentive and careful when cleaning robot-the sex doll.
  2. Do not use the speaker box while charging it: this may lead to technical problems.
  3. Do not insert hard objects into the vagina while the pinch and suck function is running, such as wooden sticks, metal bars and the like. This is to avoid damage to robot-the sex doll.

*Due to limitations of the doll's body, we do not recommend using certain functions together.